About us

Outpform was born out of our founder’s passion for staying on top of the latest happenings in the corporate world. As a busy finance professional, Alex was always rushing to keep up with the non-stop news about IPOs, mergers, earnings reports and more. There had to be a better way!

After yet another 14-hour workday spent chasing scraps of intel from various blogs, newspapers and financial sites, Alex had an epiphany – why not create a single source to efficiently publish all the vital corporate scoops? And why not add a little personality while we’re at it?

Outpform thus emerged as Alex’s brainchild and labor of love, a way to not only consolidate all those critical money-making headlines, but also entertain readers in the process. We add our special brand of spunk to reporting on the companies that impact our lives and portfolios.

Driven by caffeine and a lively Slack channel, our lean team works odd hours to dig through SEC filings, earnings calls, corporate press releases – even the occasional social media tease. We’ll translate their “business speak” into straightforward news you can use, while having a little fun as we report each development.

At Outpform, we firmly believe finance doesn’t have to be dry or dreary. And staying current on companies shouldn’t suck up your whole life either. We aim to not just keep you well-informed…but hopeful, inspired and ahead of the investing game. Information seasoned with personality – that’s the Outpform way!

So next time you find yourself hankering for the latest corporate intel, don’t stress yourself out chasing tidbits across the internet. Just kick back with your morning joe and check in with our motley crew of finance busybodies right here at Outpform. We live to dig up the choice scoops so you can focus on making bank!

alex freidmen, founder of outpform.com