Exploring the Depths of AI Stocks: Nvidia vs. Intel

By: Alex Freidmen

Financial markets have undergone seismic shifts owing to the recent artificial intelligence (AI) renaissance. Since November 2022, when OpenAI unleashed ChatGPT, powered by cutting-edge chips like graphics processing units (GPUs), chip companies have been riding the crest of this AI wave.

Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA), a frontrunner in GPUs, has basked in the riches of surging chip demand. With a staggering 642% surge in its stock value since the onset of last year, Nvidia has dominated the AI GPU market, promising investors a treasure trove as the sector evolves.

Conversely, there’s a case for venturing into the AI terrain with a less-seasoned player like Intel (NASDAQ: INTC), signaling untapped potential. Despite weathering a rough patch over the last few years with its stock plummeting by 60% since 2021, Intel is crafting strategies that could cement its foothold in the AI realm in the long run.

Let’s dissect these tech behemoths and decipher which – Nvidia or Intel – presents a more promising stock investment opportunity in the dynamic AI segment.

Nvidia’s Reign in the Booming Industry

Nvidia’s market cap catapulted from $359 billion at the dawn of 2023 to flirting with $3 trillion presently. The company has reaped bountiful rewards, steering the AI developer’s course globally with its GPUs.

In its recently reported second-quarter fiscal 2025 earnings, Nvidia witnessed a remarkable 122% revenue surge year-over-year. Surpassing market predictions by over $1 billion in sales and trumping earnings per share projections by $0.04, Nvidia outshone in every aspect. With double- or triple-digit growth across its five segments, Nvidia’s data center division alone recorded a stellar 154% revenue growth, fueled by heightened AI GPU sales.

Despite the glowing quarterly numbers, Nvidia’s stock witnessed a dip post the earnings release on August 28. Geopolitical uncertainties, economic fluctuations, concerns around Nvidia’s valuation, and delays in the rollout of Nvidia’s Blackwell processors caused investor jitters. However, reaffirming Nvidia’s unmatched supremacy in AI alongside consistent earnings uptrend suggests this downturn might be ephemeral. This juncture could, in fact, unveil a prime opportunity to acquire Nvidia stocks at one of their most enticing valuations in recent months.

Nvidia’s free cash flow surged by an astonishing 167% over the last twelve months, hitting $47 billion, outstripping its competitors by a wide margin. Empowered with brand equity and financial vigor, Nvidia seems poised to dominantly steer the AI realm ahead, rendering it a steadfast AI industry investment avenue.

Intel’s Path in an Ambiguous Future

After grappling with dwindling earnings and market share in the chip universe, Intel wears battle scars. Over the past three years, the chip giant witnessed a 33% slump in quarterly revenue and a staggering 119% decline in operating income, with free cash flow plummeting by 162%. In a bid to reinvent itself, Intel is sowing seeds across the tech landscape.

In the AI sphere, Intel has unveiled multiple AI-enabled chips to enhance competition with Nvidia and AMD. Furthermore, Intel has been vigorously venturing into manufacturing, eyeing the mantle of the planet’s premier AI chip fabricator. Yet, these endeavors haven’t come sans financial strain, impinging on Intel’s financial health and profitability.

Intel’s stock leaped by 9% on August 30 following a Bloomberg report hinting at early talks about potentially segregating its chip design and manufacturing entities. This move could usher in a conducive environment for both arms to flourish, as gleaned from Intel’s recent earnings, hinting it may have wandered into ventures surpassing its capacity.

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In a bygone era, Intel reigned supreme in the chip cosmos, boasting market domination in processors and manufacturing. Alas, it grapples to keep pace with rivals over the past decade. Despite recent promising chip unveilings and forthcoming Ohio factories auguring well for a lucrative stake in AI chip production, Intel might necessitate decades to harvest substantial stock growth.

Nvidia vs. Intel: Optimal AI Stock Investment?

Nvidia and Intel stand at starkly different crossroads in their AI odysseys. Nvidia, perched atop the pinnacle, likely commands a market share as lofty as 95% in AI GPUs. Conversely, Intel is yet to witness substantial returns from its substantial AI investments. While Intel bears the potential for a strong resurgence in the long haul, the ambiguity shrouding its future dissuades me from endorsing its stock.

Conversely, Nvidia boasts a tried-and-tested AI stronghold fortified by the capital to surge forth in the industry.

Moreover, a glance at the comparative chart underscores that notwithstanding Intel’s nosediving stock trajectory in recent years, it fails to proffer substantive value. Nvidia’s lower forward price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) signals a more attractive stock proposition than Intel’s. Concurrently, Nvidia’s towering free cash flow underscores the reliability of its business, rendering its stock an unequivocal choice for AI investment at present.

INTC PE Ratio (Forward) Chart

Data by YCharts

Should you bet $1,000 on Nvidia now?

Before plunging into Nvidia’s stock bandwagon, ponder over this:

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst brigade has pinpointed what they believe represents the best bet when it comes to souping up your portfolio with Nvidia et al.

The Missed Opportunity: Nvidia Falls Short Among Top Stock Picks

The Missed Opportunity: Nvidia Falls Short Among Top Stock Picks

The Story

A captivating tale was spun when ten top-tier stocks were recommended for eager investors. Nvidia, a renowned player in the tech world, failed to clinch a spot on this coveted list. The chosen ten are envisioned to yield monumental profits in the years ahead, leaving Nvidia out of the limelight.

Flashback to 2005

Cast your mind back to April 15, 2005, the day when Nvidia graced this prestigious list. Had you seized the moment and invested $1,000 at our beckoning, today, you would be sitting on a whopping $661,779! A breathtaking testament to the power of wise investment decisions and strategic stock choices.

The Stock Advisor Service

Stock Advisor, the beacon guiding investors to financial success, offers a user-friendly roadmap to navigate the complex world of investments. With insightful guidance on portfolio construction, regular updates from seasoned analysts, and two fresh stock picks monthly, this service has outperformed the S&P 500 by more than fourfold since 2002.

The Bottom Line

Whilst Nvidia may have missed the boat on this occasion, the world of stocks and investments continues to offer a myriad of opportunities. With the right guidance, a dash of courage, and a pinch of luck, investors can ride the waves of the market to prosperous shores.